“Ready to take your WordPress site to the next level? 

An effective website is critical for every company or individual. WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, but the quality of your hosting can have a big impact on the performance and security of your site. This is where managed WordPress hosting comes into play, and Convesio is taking it to the next level.

But first we discuss a brief note on managed wordpress hosting  and for a complete guide you should go with a managed wordpress hosting

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is a service that handles all technical aspects of running a WordPress site. It provides server management, security, upgrades, backups, and other features. This allows website owners to concentrate on their content and business while experts handle the technical details.

Advantages of managed WordPress Hosting


Convesio is a game changer in the managed WordPress hosting space. It utilizes a container-based strategy and cutting-edge technologies to offer superior performance and security.

Security Features of Managed WordPress Hosting Convesio

Container-Based Isolation

Container technology is used by Convesio to separate each website hosted on its platform. This means that your website functions independently of others, lowering the possibility of hacking attacks spreading from one site to another

Firewalls and Security Detection

Convesio actively tracks and controls incoming and outgoing traffic using powerful firewalls and security detection systems. This helps in the detection and prevention of harmful activities on your website.

Regular Security Checks

Routine safety checks are performed to identify flaws and possible safety issues. Any flaws that are detected are corrected as soon as possible in order to maintain the greatest level of security.

Malware /Threat Scanning

Convesio provides regular security scans to verify that your website is clear of harmful software. If threat is discovered, it is isolated and deleted to avoid further damage.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

When you use a global CDN, your website content is served from servers all over the world. This not only speeds up the website, but it also offers an extra degree of security by dividing the load and preventing DDoS attacks.

SSL Encryption

SSL certificates are included as a standard feature in Convesio. SSL encryption protects data transmission between your website and visitors, making it much more difficult for hackers to access important information.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Convesio provides two-factor authentication for accessing your hosting account. This extra layer of protection ensures that only authorized users may make changes to your website.

Daily Backups

Convesio’s service includes automated daily backups. You may simply restore your website to a previous, new state in the case of a security harm or data loss.

Regular Updates

Convesio updates WordPress core, plugins, and themes automatically. Because outdated software is a common security issue, these frequent updates help in the security of your website.

Uptime of Convesio

Convesio claims to have 99.99% uptime providers. Before purchasing any hosting, everyone must consider the uptime. Because a low uptime generates a poor user experience and delays your job while doing any task.

Installation of Managed WordPress Hosting convesio

Step 1: Create a Convesio account.

If you haven’t already account , go to the Convesio website and create an account. You must supply some basic information and select a hosting package that meets your requirements.

Step 2: Navigate to the Convesio Dashboard.

You’ll be able to access the Convesio dashboard once you’ve joined up and logged in. You may manage your websites and hosting settings here.

Step 3: Design a New Website

Look for the option to establish a new website in the dashboard. To begin the website construction process, click on it.

Step 4: Select a Domain Name

Convesio allows you to either register a new domain or use an existing domain. Set up your domain by following their given instructions.

Step 5: Set Up Your Website

Convesio will walk you through the website installation process. You can change the name of your website, as well as the username and password for the WordPress admin.

Step 6: Set up WordPress

After you’ve finished adjusting your website’s settings, you’ll be able to install WordPress. Convesio facilitates this by offering a one-click WordPress installation method. Select the “Install WordPress” option.

Step 7: Tailor WordPress Settings

You can access your WordPress dashboard once WordPress has been installed. You can alter the appearance of your website here, as well as install themes and plugins and generate content.

managed wordpress hosting convesio

Convesio Hosting Plans

Convesio offers premium plans for managed WordPress hosting to cater to a variety of website needs. These plans provide a range of features and resources to ensure your website runs smoothly and securely. We should also underconsider these Convesio’s premium plans:

1. Starter Plan:

  • Monthly Price: $20
  • Suitable for: Small websites, blogs, or personal projects.
  • Key Features:
    • 1 WordPress Install
    • 10,000 Visits per Month
    • 10 GB Disk Space
    • Daily Backups
    • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    • Automatic WordPress Updates
    • 24/7 Support

2. Pro Plan:

  • Monthly Price: $50
  • Suitable for: Growing businesses and websites with moderate traffic.
  • Key Features:
    • 3 WordPress Installs
    • 50,000 Visits per Month
    • 20 GB Disk Space
    • Daily Backups
    • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    • Automatic WordPress Updates
    • Staging Environments
    • 24/7 Support

3. Business Plan:

  • Monthly Price: $150
  • Suitable for: Larger websites, e-commerce stores, and businesses with higher traffic.
  • Key Features:
    • 10 WordPress Installs
    • 200,000 Visits per Month
    • 50 GB Disk Space
    • Daily Backups
    • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    • Automatic WordPress Updates
    • Staging Environments
    • 24/7 Support

4. Enterprise Plan:

  • Monthly Price: Custom pricing
  • Suitable for: Large enterprises, high-traffic websites, and businesses with specific needs.
  • Key Features:
    • Custom Number of WordPress Installs
    • Custom Monthly Visits
    • Custom Disk Space
    • Daily Backups
    • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
    • Automatic WordPress Updates
    • Staging Environments
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • 24/7 Priority Support

These prices changes with time  but this is updated for now.

Convesio Review

managed wordpress hosting convesio


In conclusion,  Managed WordPress  hosting  Convesio is the answer if you want your WordPress website to succeed. Your website will be successful thanks to its unique container technology, auto-scaling, and first-rate support. Switch to Convesio today and see your online presence rise to new heights.

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